UX/UI Design - project length: 4 weeks

Carrots Pro

For this project, I was brought on to collaborate with a team including a software developer and a copywriter to create a simple phone app to serve as a a dynamic rewards platform that incentivizes consumers to share merchants social media content to their social network. The idea behind Carrots would be to offer consumers rewards in exchange for social media and empower day-to-day consumers in this symbiotic relationship. Carrots serves as the facilitator between the merchant and the consumer in this experience.

Branding Exploration

As this app was a first prototype and used more so as a demo, the branding was fairly simple. The branding at this stage included a logo, a few graphic elements, type, and color palette.

Research & Prototype

As the next step, the team worked together to create a content strategy board followed by moodboards, sitemaps, user personas, and an emphathy map in order to finalize the Carrots content. Once the team agreed on the content and strategy, I built mid-fidelity wireframes as well as a hi-fidelity prototype on figma. As a final addition, a landing was built for the Carrots experience for both consumers and merchants that you can explore below:


