Environmental design - Winter 2019

Our Hive.

Our Hive is an interactive installation with a focus on mental health stigma and the lack of mental health literacy within the Sheridan Trafalgar campus. This temporary installation is a part of a social awareness campaign that would allow students to anonymously share how they are feeling using colour association, while also connecting with their peers.

Design Objectives

  1. Making sure that the students gain information in a positive matter

  2. Create a sense of unity between people, more specifically students, on campus

  3. Create a safe space where students can express their emotions

  4. Create an interactive experience that is accessible and multi-sensory

Proposed Solution & Deliverables

The project is aimed at creating an interesting audio, visual, and sensory experience using lights that can be activated and changed depending on how the user is feeling that day. The most important aspect of the project is that it is able to be anonymous and accessible by all students. All the lights on the wall would be reset every week since there are 1255 lights in total and the space does not experience a heavy flow of students. Later when the installation is reused, it can continue to reset at the same rate, as students may continue to come frequently to enjoy an interactive experience. 

Deliverables include:

  1. Isomentric 3D mock-ups of environment

  2. Wayfinding and Interpretation Maps

  3. Dimensioned Drawings

  4. Mockups of ‘nearables’, phone prototypes, printed pamphlet, and exhibit panel


The Trash We Create